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Keeping Animals & Critters out of Your Pool

Keeping mice, skunks, chipmunks, ducks, geese, snakes, frogs, squirrels, insects, spiders, lizards, raccoons and bats (yes, even bats) out of your swimming pool can be an interesting task to tackle. It can often become humorous at times, so we are here to offer you some quick and easy tips and ways to keep them at bay.

Animal-themed pool cleaner

Use a pool cover, a solar pool cover is even better! Not only will this help keep ducks and geese form enjoying your pool water, but it will also help keep your water warmer while saving you money on your water and electric bill. That’s a win, win!

The next is where we start to add some humor and cleverness. When you are not using your pool, use an animal-theme pool cleaner. Birds and rodents are easily intimidated by anything that is colorful and moving. It also adds a nice touch to your backyard pool decor, especially if you have a young family.

As we move on to the next tip that will help keep critters out of your pool, we continue to focus on animal décor, well because it works. Spoil your kids and or mate and give them fun colorful large inflatable rafts in the shape of all kinds of animals. The bright colors and sizes will scare off ducks, geese and other birds. Inflatable rafts that float in the swimming pool, look like an animal, is colorful and big… this is the most popular duck deterrent customers year-after-year.

Another idea would be to install a fence or screen around your pool. Fences will help with larger animals, but screens help with most with keeping critters out of your pool. Smaller critters will still be able to get once in a while, but this would help a great deal to keep them away.

We continue on to different ways to keep those critters out of your yard by installing an automatic sprinkler system. Many sprinkler systems are motion-activated or infrared light beams that detect movement. So as soon as a critter enters your yard they can be simply scared away by a few sprinkles of water. You can do this even if you don’t have grass or landscape you need to water regularly, it can be used only to scare off the animals if you prefer. It’s common that with this type of system you barely need to use it because the animals have learned to stay out of your yard.

Smaller bugs can always be a bummer when you are trying to relax and enjoy your pool or can even put a big damper on your social gatherings. A simple step of placing citronella candles throughout the backyard area would help keep them at bay. This is a great temporary solution to help minimize the bugs.

Another great idea to not have grass planted near your pool. This will also help minimize the bugs and crawlers from entering your pool that could be only a foot or so away. This also leads us into maintaining your landscape often. It helps to minimize the bugs and critters from gathering.

And last but not least, don’t feed the birds and squirrels. Some may enjoy the beauty of nature and watching them I your bird feeders, etc. but this will only bring them back more and more. Eliminating any food source for animals and critters will help.

There are many ways to help lessen the critters and bugs around your pool, we have offered a few good ones above. Whether you decide to try them all or just a few you should notice a difference in the amount of creatures roaming your yard.


We would love to hear your feedback on the suggestions above or ideas you may know about. Comment below!

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Cool New Pool Products in 2020

The year 2020 has brought many things to us so far, seems this year is a year of new experiences and patience. The joys of staying home more often is enjoying your pool to the fullest and the latest products out there. All items can be bought online and shipped to your house, so sit back, review and then shop!

Metal Magic Spot Stain Chalk

ProTeam now offers a revolutionary new way to remove tough stains from pool and spa surfaces with its new Metal Magic Spot Stain Chalk. Simply scrub chalk directly to the problem area to remove stains quickly. Safe for all hard surfaces including plaster, vinyl, tile, concrete and fiberglass. Unused chalk can be dried and reused. Includes two 9-ounce chalk tablets per container.

Pool Refresh

inSPAration created a new water de-odorizer, that helps remove ‘pool smell’, that metallic chlorine odor called Pool Refresh. Pool Refresh also leaves your skin and hair feeling soft, not dry and itchy, from pool water minerals, salts and chlorine. Reviews have told us after you swim the smell of chlorine on your skin is gone and didn’t dry out the skin after longer swims.

Big Joe Pool Floats

A newer company, Big Joe has a fresh take on a wide array of fun and colorful pool floats and furniture. Inside are EPS foam beads (Megahh Beans) that fill the inside of Big Joe pool floats and pool chairs.

Always adding new products, they have a lot of new and exciting designs to check out. The latest would be the Pool Petz, a kids line. Also the Teardrop chairs and Roma Float Loungers.

Cyborg Pool Cleaner

With a 1-year warranty, this new Cyborg Pool cleaner runs off the suction from your in-ground pull pump. A two-wheeled design with kinetic gearing system, large turbine wheel, and a tabbed skirt on the bottom that maintains suction while moving over debris, uneven floor areas, or pool fittings.

The Cyborg pool cleaner comes with 40 ft of hose, skimmer attachments, hose weights and has a cleaner with indicator light, to let you know it’s working.

Oyster Shell Float

Oprah Approved. Whether you pretend to be a mermaid or a pearl, one thing is for sure: Fun and relaxation await with this iridescent pool float. Enjoy our iridescent and pearl white oyster shell built for two.

  • Constructed of 100% PVC
  • Pearl white base with Iridescent paneling along shell edges
  • Integrated handles for stability and mounting
  • Electric Air Pump and Repair Kit Included

Pool Buoy Plus Floating Umbrella

This fully adjustable umbrella comes with an open pool buoy and is quite convenient to use. The fact that it is a UV rated umbrella makes it offer a better value for your money. Has a built in wind vent and also comes with a ShadeLoc. The lock ensures the umbrella stays securely attached to the tabletop.

The float buoy tabletop is durable and performs nicely, and is built with good quality ABS plastic. The tabletop is capable of holding up to 38 pounds above water. It also comes equipped with five cup holders. The umbrella with tabletop is up to 5ft and 7 inches.

ECEEN Waterproof Speakers

The new ECEEN Waterproof Speakers are powerful wireless floating speakers that are shockproof and dustproof. Its floating design is quite impressive and ensures that the speaker stays floated while playing music – you can leave it submerged in 3ft of water for up to half an hour without experiencing any issues.

The sound quality is nice and the connectivity is reasonably good. You can connect it to your smartphone or computer in 5 seconds. The only issue some users have reported is related to long distance connection. Offers a playtime of up to five hours


We would love to hear your feedback on the products above or anything new you may know about. Comment below!

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How You Can Utilize Your Pool to Improve Your Health

Swimming and/or water exercise can be a huge benefit to your health. With the resistance of the water, it makes your entire body work. It also removes gravity so it’s not so hard on your joints and lessens the impact.

Swimming is a great all-round exercise that provides a great full body workout. There are numerous benefits to enjoying a water workout. For one, it keeps your heart rate up, it’s an excellent source of cardio. Another benefit to working out in the water is it allows us to float so it takes off the impact stress of more common workout routines. It also builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, all while maintaining a healthy weight, heart and lungs.

Swimming laps in your pool is not the only workout you can use your pool for. There are many different variations of exercises that target certain areas or help relieve pressure off other areas. A few examples would be walking laps, treading water, or basic noodle exercises.

There are many other ways a pool can improve your health, that go beyond a simple exercise.
We list a few below:
• Alleviating stress
• Improving coordination, balance and posture
• Improving flexibility
• perfect low-impact therapy for injuries
• relaxing, peaceful form of exercise

Overall, water is known for its calming, peaceful effects. Better sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and relieves depression. A nice yoga session along the side of your pool will do you wonders. Explore, enjoy it to the fullest!

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