What is the Perfect Pool Temperature During Florida Winter?

Summer has come and gone and the kids are buried deep in their school books. The pool has been quiet these past few months however, Winter break is right around the corner and it’s time to prep the pool for some winter fun. But what is the best temperature for the water during the winter months in Florida?

This can be a touchy subject as there are many opinions based on what you like individually and how the weather is. Winter months in Florida can be unpredictable. It can be 95 degrees one day and 65 the next. Because of this you will need to heat your swimming pool at least some of the time. This will help keep it at the perfect temperature for you and your family.

So, what IS the perfect temperature?

Typically, the perfect pool water temperature runs between 78-82 degrees in the spring and fall months. However during the winter month’s it seems to drop to an ideal temperature to 76-78 degrees.

An outdoor unheated pool will typically remain what the outdoor temperature is and can go as low as 53 degrees.

Now anything colder than 78 degrees will start to make you feel chilled when you step out of the water. Anything above 82 degrees will begin to feel like bath water. However, 80 degrees is generally warm and cool enough for all to enjoy.

Of course, you should keep in mind that each degree the temperature rises results in increased energy costs of 10 to 30 percent. So, the right temperature for your pool water is a function of how it feels on your skin and how it feels on your wallet.

Save Some Money: Keep Pool Temperature Costs Down

Here are a few ideas that will help to keep your pool warm while keeping your costs down:

  • Install trees, bushes, fencing, and the like to keep wind from blowing through the pool area.
  • If your pool heater is more than five years old, consider investing in a new heater. In some cases, these units quickly pay for themselves in lower utility bills.
  • If you tend to use your pool only on weekends, lower the temperature setting by 8 to 10 degrees during the week.
  • If you are going on vacation, turn off your pool heater. We don’t have to worry about freezing conditions in Florida.
  • Install a timer that can automate and optimize your temperature settings.
  • Run your pool’s filtration system between 8 pm and 10 am, when electricity demand and rates tend to be lower.

It may take a little time to find the right balance of comfortable water temperature and cost-effective operation. That temperature will change with the seasons. With a little effort, you can find your perfect temperature setting. Remember that it is always best to consult Challenger Pools with any questions to see what might be best for your specific pool.

>>> Choosing an Interior Color for your Pool


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Simple Steps on Maintaining your Pool while on Vacation

So you have plans to head out of town, huh? You’ve been waiting for this long overdue vacation. Good for you! BUT, before you go, we would like to give you a few simple steps to maintaining your pool while you are gone on vacation. While gone and out of town we recommend hiring a professional to keep an eye on your pool in case something goes wrong. Or if not a professional, then ask a neighbor or friend to help keep an eye out. In the case something breaks down, you will need someone there to help resolve the issue while you are gone. However, below we provide a few simple steps to help you save a bit of cash if you choose to not have a professional on hand while gone on vacation. These basic tips will help keep your pool clean while gone and crystal clear when you get back home.

Overdose your pool with chlorine!

Depending on how long you will be gone, add double the amount of pool shock that you would normally add (e.g. for a 7,500 gallon pool, add 2-3 lbs. worth of powder shock or 1 to 1.5 gallons of liquid shock). Let the filter run for a couple hours after adding the shock.

Cover your pool!

When the sun shines on your water, algae will grow, so the less sun the better. Covering your pool makes it difficult for algae to grow. It will be well worth coming back to a clean pool. If you do not own a pool cover yet, this would be a perfect time to buy since you will still need one once the colder months come around.

Use a timer!

A great tool while gone on vacation and for daily use. This will make it so your filter can automatically turn on and off for a period of time. This is important to have available so you can filter your pool and while you are gone. There are many timers available ranging in all kinds of prices. The cheaper ones will do the job, no problem. The more expensive provides you with the bells and whistles, depending on what suits your fancy.

Now go enjoy your relaxing time away and don’t worry about your pool while gone. Enjoy those moments of slowing down that you have worked so hard for.


Learn more about “Technology and Your Pool

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Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Maintenance

So, you finally did it, you bought that long sought after hot tub. You have dreamed about enjoying a hot tub for years. The relaxing evenings of with a glass of wine is always picture perfect during those stressful days. However, did you imagine the hot tub maintenance and care that goes behind a nice and clean hot tub? I’m sure you didn’t, BUT it is a reality that you need to face. An important one to make sure your hot tub has a long life of clean water and many relaxing nights. We are here to help you learn the simple basics and needs to maintain your hot tub and keep it in great condition and reduce costly upcoming issues.

Know what you have

This sounds pretty basic, I know, but knowing the name and brand of your hot tub is important. This will help you to get parts and service when you need them. Also knowing your hot tub’s specifications and limits. These are more specifically the water capacity, age and any water challenges that are necessary (such as hard water).

Maintenance Basics

Circulation, Cleaning and Chemicals. Keeping in mind these three basics, your hot tub will run smoothly all year long.

Circulation – this is important as still water is never a good idea. Circulation helps keep your water of contaminates. Most hit tubs these days have automatic circulation that you can schedule and time to run.  The circulation cycles can vary from 15-30 minutes and cycles the water through the filters. Let those filters do their job, the more you run your hot tub the cleaner it is, so running it can never hurt.

If you don’t have automatic circulation on your hot tub, simply turn it on and run it once or twice a day for 15-20 mins.

TIP: Add a few tennis balls to your hot tub after you have used it. Hot water removes oils from our skin, including lotions and soaps we use daily. These make the filter work ‘extra hard’ when trying to clean your water, so to help it along, place tennis balls in the water.  Oil is attracted to the felt on the balls and it helps to collect those oils.

Cleaning – Keeping your hot tub is one of the most effective maintenance tasks you can tackle. Scum is a common occurrence in hot tubs and can be tackled with a few easy steps. Once a week use white vinegar and a sponge or cloth to wipe away scum on the water’s edges. Also wiping down the jets and spa’s shell will keep your hot tub clean.  If you have an outdoor hot tub, you will need to remove debris like fallen leaves, broken branches, sometimes even trash or small critters. 

Also, a quick rinse down with a 10% bleach solution will make sure that mildew stays away.

Once every 3-4 months or more if your using it often, you will need to completely drain your hot tub and refill. Fresh water after a few months is a nice relief and reduces germs.

Be sure to check your filters!

Your filters will also need a regular cleaning to work well and properly. A simple rinse, spray or soak will do. Your local pool store has a filter cleaner to use when cleaning your hot tub filter. After some time when it looks as if they are getting clean, a filter replacement is probably due.

Chemicals – Maintaining your hot tubs water is very similar to a pool’s water. However, it’s slightly different due to the reduced size body of water. Before you add any chemicals be sure to get a baseline reading of your water after it has been freshly refilled. Simply test your water to get a current reading of the pH and alkalinity levels.

Aim for a pH level of 7.4-7.6 and 125 -150 parts per million (ppm) for your alkalinity.

For alkalinity, shoot for 125 parts per million (ppm) to150 ppm. If alkalinity gets too high, it can cause scaling and cloudiness.

So now go…go enjoy your hot tub! Invite friends over, make sure those jets aim at your lower back and reap the rewards and enjoyment of it. With these simple steps, you will enjoy your hot tub for years to come.


> Learn more about how to maintain and clean your swimming pool here.

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Choosing an Interior Color for your Pool

When making decisions while you are in the pool building and design process, choosing an interior color is going to be one of those decisions you need to make. Ask yourself, what ‘look’ do you want for your backyard pool? What water temperature do you want regularly? What is your monthly budget for maintaining and running your new pool? The answers to these questions will play a part in what color you decide for your pools interior.

There are three interior textures you could decide on. Tile, pebble, and plaster. Tile and Pebble are incredibly durable and will last you and your family a long time. Plaster however, more known and used due to its cheaper cost, has a lifespan of 8-10 years. At that point it will start to crack and break apart. You will then need to get it resurfaced or choose another interior textile option.

The traditional and most common colors are blue and white, however more recently there are more non-traditional colors being used to give a unique style and ambiance.

All though, at first glance, it seems that the color of water itself is blue, however it isn’t. Water has no color. Its color is provided by the sky reflecting onto the water. Cool huh?

Selecting a color for inside your pool will make it look unique and different.  Today, many prefer colors like white, gray, black, red, earth-tones or a variation of blue.  Let’s look at some of your color options in detail:


The most common as we all love the look of crystal, clear blue water. As we stated earlier water is clear and reflects off the sky for its subtle blue color, with a blue pool interior it enhances the blue and makes it much more vibrant. This provides a relaxing, tranquil atmosphere.


This is also a very commonly used color for a pool interior. As it’s on the cheaper end of cost, it’s used quite frequently. It’s a perfect color for sunny states as it helps maintain water temperature. A white interior is a beautiful color as it helps bring out any decorative elements or accessories inside your pool. This can be a simply stunning, clean look. However, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule is vital to its beauty.


Surprisingly, gray makes the water in your pool look like sea water. It can be a great choice because it’s helpful with hiding dirt and debris plus it also helps increase the water temperature.


Black is the most suitable color for your pool if you want the water temperature to be higher all year round. The color helps to prolong the use of the swimming pool, and, high in energy savings for heating the pool.   It is one of the most advanced coatings, and with it, you can obtain spectacular designs.


A color that has grown in popularity in the more recent years. Red will provide transparent water that will change its appearance considering the weather and the state of the sky at that time. Depending on the amount of light, as well as the season of the year and time of day, the color variations can change, often providing a warmer atmosphere.

Factors to be considered when choosing your interior pool color include your backyard theme, pool surrounds, water reflection and water temperature, just to name a few.

When people renovate or build, it is common to collect samples of tiles to help decide on color. We highly recommend that when you are choosing your colors you lay it outside in different spots of where your pool will be or beside your current pool if renovating. Review them and observe at different times of the day. Morning and evening can provide different shades and give you a truer sense of what the color will be when you pool is completed.

If you have more questions on how to determine a color for your new pool, contact Challenger Pools today here. We can help you build or renovate your pool and be there for you every step of the way.

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The Benefits of a Freeform-Shaped Swimming Pool

Are you dreaming of finally getting a swimming pool but worried about it actually being possible because of your small or oddly shaped backyard? No sweat! Freeform shaped swimming pools are the best design to work with any oddly shaped or small backyard.

Freeform swimming pools are a wonderful addition to your backyard. They provide a natural, organic look with an amoeba shape/style. Freeform pools often have a look as if they have always belonged there and really blend into nature. They bring curves, flowing lines and irregular shapes and often have features like waterfalls, rock bridges, and plant landscapes to resemble a pond or lake.

Many homeowners dream of a pool oasis in their backyard and worry it just can’t happen with their small and oddly shaped backyards. However, Challenger Pools can create a custom freeform pool for any shape or terrain yard. Lines, curves, and defining edges is what makes the design modern.


The advantages of having a freeform pool are unlimited as it can add so much to your home and life.

1.     Beautifying your backyard – creating a space to enjoy and have fun outside is a wonderful addition to any home, especially if you have children. Unlimited fun, enjoyment and memories can be made in and around your pool area getting the kids away from the electronics and create a great family bonding time.

2.     Added value to your home – any pool immediately adds value to your home and eventually puts more money in your pocket.

3.     Exercise – Swimming provides some of the best exercise you can provide your body and with an oddly shaped backyard, Challenger Pools has professionals who access the landscape and terrain and recommend the best design for you.

4.     Added beauty and fun – Freeform pools often have additional features to make your backyard more of an oasis than just a swimming pool. Tanning ledges, rock bridges, islands, beach entries, in-pool tables and chairs add so much more enjoyment to your swimming pool.

Don’t let your small or oddly shaped backyard stop you from having the swimming pool of your dreams.  Call Challenger Pools and let the staff walk you step-by-step in making dreams come true.

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Permits & Pool Building

When it comes to building on your property, different cities and counties have various regulations and rules. No matter what size pool you choose, in ground or above, building permits are required for all shapes and sizes of pools. However, the larger the pool, the more guidelines will apply. These guidelines and permits exist to protect you and your home, so it’s important that they are followed and adhered to.

However, portable or above ground pools that are less than 42 inches deep, and do not need to be permitted. Putting in an above ground pool with a depth of 42 inches or greater, requires a permit, which the homeowner or pool company can obtain.

For in-ground concrete pools, a state licensed Pool Contractor must be obtained. The contractor will pull the building permit and obtain the engineering expertise, as well as provide necessary paperwork to ensure Florida Building and Swimming Pool Codes are met.

It’s vital to submit a residential application, a site plan, and a pool plan detail to your local city/county before the construction project begins. For example, if your property is in a flood zone, an engineer will need to create and sign off on a new drainage plan to protect your property and the others around you.

See below some common paperwork requirements when trying to obtain a permit:

  • Proof of property ownership. This can be a recorded deed, closing statement, or property tax information.
    • Two sets pool plans. Plans must include all safety feature options, and piping systems.
    • Building Permit Application. The application must be fully completed, signed, and notarized.
    • Two copies of a certified survey or site plan.
    • Private Swimming Pool Safety Requirements form.

Also be aware that if the swimming pool will be enclosed, you must provide the setbacks from the proposed enclosure to the water’s edge of the pool. The enclosure must meet the building setbacks for the zoning district it is located in.

Accompanying Documents When Pulling a Permit

If the size of the swimming pool warrants the pulling of a permit additional documents to further explain the project and how it will meet the various state, city and trade codes, will be required.

  1. If the property owner pulls the permit, an Owner/Building Disclosure must also be completed, which explains and acknowledges the responsibilities of the property owner acting as the contractor. While online, forms and assistance is also available at the Development Services Department, including complimentary notarization for the Owner/Builder Disclosure form.
  2. Along with a permit, a site plan of the property showing the location of all existing structures (sheds, house, detached garage, etc.) must be provided, with the size and location of the proposed improvement, as well as the perimeter property lines.
  3. For in ground pools, construction plans need to be designed, signed and sealed by an architect or engineer registered in Florida, certifying compliance with the Florida Building and Swimming Pool Codes.
  4. As building permit fees are calculated on the cost of the job, a copy of the sales contract or work contract needs to be submitted with the permit package. Typically, permit fees range from $50.00 to $80.00 and help cover the cost of inspections. While permits and inspections might be thought as unnecessary, the peace of mind knowing your new pool complies with code and will provide years of safe enjoyment is worth it!

Challenger Pools is the perfect pool building company when it comes to creating your very own backyard oasis. Whether you’re looking to put in a pool, spa, outdoor living area, or all the above, Challenger Pools is there for you.



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How to Find a Pool Store You Can Trust

Do you go to your local pool store and become disappointed and frustrated every time and find yourself leaving empty handed? Or even worse you pay the huge price tag, just so you can move on with the task at hand? This is not how it needs to be. Your go-to pool store should provide Convenient location, a wide selection of products and brands, and reasonable prices. But when you’re looking for your go-to pool store, you’ll want to take a few other things into account.

Knowledgeable Staff that Doesn’t Shove Upselling Down Your Throat

As a pool owner questions will come up and you will need advice, answers or just simple product comparisons. The pool store staff is perfect to help you with any pool advise you may need. They should be your go to ‘pool handyman’. Now, of course they will try to sell you products, however the ones that won’t take no for an answer, are the ones you want to avoid. Look for a place that gives helpful advice and product recommendations, not ones that shove products down your throat. Pools are costly enough, we don’t need to add unnecessary supplies. Look for a pool store where the staff doesn’t try to sell you products that you don’t need.

Stocked Shelves and Offers a Wide Variety of Products

Look for a pool store that will have the products you need when you need them. So often we go to the pool store and they are out of the product we normally purchase. Trying something new right before the weekend or heading out of town, isn’t ideal. So, make sure they have the products you use AND they have it in stock when you need it. To help alleviate this from happening, you could create a schedule of when you start to run out of product and need to refill, getting ahead of the game. When you have an idea of when you will need to refill, you can work with the store and their staff to ensure your product is there and ready for you when you need it.

Decent Prices

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a money tree growing in our backyards, so staying on a budget is important. Finding a pool store that offers competitive pricing and offers great deals is what will create a long-term positive relationship.

Online Business Check

The next best thing to do is to review and check out a few stores near you and their online presence. The internet provides ton of information on businesses. Check out there hours, how long they have been in business, are they a franchise location, do they have new management and more. All of these bits of information and details will help you establish and find what you need in a pool store. Also check out the reviews online. These are VERY helpful when you need to get to the nitty gritty of the business.

A local pool supply store that you can depend on and trust is a must as a pool owner. Do your research, work with the staff and become a friend instead of a customer. You’ll be on your way in no time to a great relationship.

>>> Essential Equipment for your Swimming Pool

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Technology and Your Pool

Throughout the years, as pools have progressed, so has the ease of caring and enjoying your pool. Technology makes life much more convenient, as it saves time and helps us tackle a task at the touch of a finger. Automation has grown more and more in recent years. Automated control systems are very easy to find now a days in any area of your home, if you so choose to indulge. With the latest technology advancements, you can control your pools systems from your smartphone from work, the grocery store or even on vacation. You can control the jets, fountains, spa, lighting, audio and chemistry with ease. Below, I mention some of the top newer technologies that will help make you owning a pool easier and more enjoyable!

Pool Pump
We begin with your pool’s pump. This is the most basic needs and requirements of having a swimming pool. Keeping your pool water constantly flowing is key to good water quality. However, running your pool pump 24 hours a day, 7 days a week can be very expensive. Thanks to technology advancements, new pump technology includes variable speed motors, which helps save energy. With this technology you are able to control the pump’s speed, spa jets and even water features you may have added to your pool.

Adding the latest lighting to your pool will decrease energy and increase convenience to your life. To add an elegant, unique feel to your pool consider LED lights. They are amazing to enjoy during those night swims and/or get togethers.

One of the most unique features is from SpectraLight. This feature offer a UV system that showers your pool water with powerful ultraviolet light.  This UV light destroys the algae, viruses, bacteria and other organic matter that can contaminate your swimming pool. This system can significantly reduce chemical demands, which makes your pool much easier to maintain. It also reduces issues of dry skin, red eyes and green hair that are commonly known downfalls of swimming in a typical chlorine pool. This unique UV lighting system saves you both time and money and improves your pool’s overall health.

Balancing the chorine, pH levels and alkalinity of your pool water can be a headache that you must tackle often to maintain good water quality in your pool. Not to mention, a simple rain fall can throw off your chemical composition. Thanks again to the latest technology advancements, PENTAIR offers systems that automatically monitor and adjust your pool chemicals to maintain a perfect balance. Ultimately saving you money on pool chemicals.

Replacing your telescopic net for removing floating leaves and debris may be far-fetched, however maintaining the floor and water of your pool, isn’t. PV3 in-floor cleaning and circulation systems by Paramount are life-savers. The automatically force any debris in your water towards the drains on the floor of your pool. The fixtures will automatically pop-up when they are ready to ‘swallow’ debris. Challenger Pools offers this great option. Learn more here.

There are also great automatic cleaning systems. We’ve all seen them—they involve an automated cleaner/sweeper that travels around your pool as it cleans. There are several models available from all with different features, benefits and pricing.

Learn more about all the features and add-on’s Challenger Pools offers here.

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Pool Safety During Parties

Parties are always a great way to celebrate and gather friends and family, however when you have a pool, it adds a additional level of fun to the party. A few simple steps to prepare, will ensure the party is a success and your guests have a good time and end up going home safe.

First, if you plan on children coming to your party please be sure to take a few extra steps to make sure your party is a safe place for them. Be sure to set some pool safety rules and announce them to the children. A few good examples include no running on the deck, no grabbing onto anyone else in the pool and no jumping from the diving board until the child ahead of you has jumped in and reached the side of the pool.

One of the most important things to do to ensure the safety for your guests and their kids is to have a dedicated and qualified adult or even better a certified lifeguard sit and watch the pool and swimmers. The hostess is busy managing food and guests, while your guests should relax and enjoy a good time. Having a dedicated adult for this job will be a great addition to an awesome party! If they are to get up even for a few minutes, please be sure to have someone else take their place while taking a break. Even in a quick moment, a child can drown. So, this could be the most important thing you do to ensure safety at your party.

Another great addition to making a great party, is to buy a bunch of pool floats and noodles for the kids to play with in the pool.

Check Your Water:  Be sure the water in your pool has been tested and treated accordingly. Clean, safe water should be important to you and your guests. You certainly don’t want your guests questioning if your water is clean while they jump into a cloudy pool. So just be sure to do your do diligence and prepare your water.

Check Your Deck: Also be sure to double check your pool deck and deck furniture for any lose tiles, cracks, wobbling tables, etc. This is a good step to keeping your guests safe at your gathering. Search for anything that could easily be tripped over or a chair leg could get stuck in. These occurrences are very common at parties and can cause injuries.

Lastly, don’t forget to store your pool chemicals away from where anyone can get to them. Remove the pool cleaner from the pool, and make sure that main drain covers are secured.


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Essential Equipment for your Swimming Pool

Proper pool equipment is the basics to keeping your pool clean and safe. It can also help prevent future major repair. Without the proper tools and equipment, you simply can’t take good care of your pool. Basic equipment and supplies will help, however the most important is action by you or your pool professional throughout the years. You will find the list of essential equipment and supplies for your swimming pool will be sure to keep your pool in great shape you enjoy your pool for years to come.


Filters sift out the larger impurities that are in your pool water. It works with the pump that circulates the water. There are three different types of filters to choose from.

Sand: this type of pool filter is usually the least expensive and the most basic, however requires the most maintenance. This filter will need to be backwashed every 2 weeks. It filters 20-40 microns (small particles).

Cartridge: this type looks similar to a house vacuum and requires cleaning only twice every season of the year. It filters 10-15 microns.

DE or Diatomaceous Earth: this type of filter is the best as it filters as small as 2-5 microns. It needs to be cleaned as the pump suggests.


Bacteria, such as pathogens, can cause the water to look cloudy, can cause skin and eye irritation and also can damage the pool itself. Even if the pool filter and pump do most of the work to maintain your water, adding chemicals will help keep your pool water free of pathogens. Balancing the chemicals below can be a bit of a challenge, none-the-less the chemicals that you will need.

  • Chlorine
    • Chlorine balancing agents
    • Water test system
    • Alkaline balancing agents
    • Calcium balancing agents


There are many choices to choose from when shopping for a vacuum. Numerous sizes, features and prices. The more features, the more costly. Prices can range anywhere from $40 to $2,000.


Through-out time the caulk around your pool begins to crack and split. To make sure moss, mildew and general dirt doesn’t build up in the cracks you will need a flexible silicon rubber joint compound, called caulk. There are different colors based off your needs and pool design.

Telescopic Pole

A good quality tele pole will be used for skimming, vacuuming and brushing. They provide you length so you can reach all areas of your pool. At the end they can attach a skimmer, a brush or can even connect to the vacuum. They come in a variety of lengths and quality. The safest and most durable tele poles are made from fiberglass, but many are made from aluminum.

Pumice Stone

A simple and easy method for removing common stains or deposits on concrete pools is the pumice stone. Pumice is a light porous glassy lava stone that can be rubbed over a pool stain to remove it by grinding it off the surface.


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